Emotions and Stress
Although considered by some to be ‘intangible’, and therefore not significant, stress and our emotions play a tremendous role in our overall well-being and, ultimately, in our physical health and longevity. Emotional health is demonstrated by people who can meet the typical stressors of life with an open mind, an…
Name that Emotion
Name that Emotion Why does it seem difficult to put a name to the feelings that well up in response to everything we encounter in the course of a day? We tend to get into patterns of automatic response – you might very well recognize that when greeting someone. “How...
From Flower to Essence
The creation of flower essences is profoundly simple. The picture of it is enough to bring about calm and inspire faith that all that we need to heal is already present in its simplest form in the world around us! Dr. Edward Bach, after building a tremendously successful practice in…
Bach Flower Essences and the 7 Core Emotional Characteristics
“And may we ever have joy and gratitude in our hearts that the Great Creator of all things, in His Love for us, has placed the herbs in the fields for our healing.” ~Edward Bach, afterword, The 12 Healers Dr. Bach identified 7 classes of emotional imbalance, or common…